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April 16, 2013


First post of the season! First post of the year! First post all together really...

Hello and welcome to Rusty Readings :)
Here you will pretty much find me going on about anything exciting that is happening. Although to be perfectly frank, I am going to be telling you about movies and music because lets face it, thats what I love.

Now being new to this whole blog thing, I wouldn't expect this first post to have much in it. It had the option of going one of two ways. I could either go on and on about all the movies I have ever seen, all the albums I have ever listened to and we could be here for quite some time.. Or, I could just do a general introduction and add in my 2 cents worth of all those wonderful things in future posts.

I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself if we are going to journey through this together.
My name is Rhys, and I am a 21 year old living in the brilliant country of New Zealand. I have found myself in my last year of study, (quite scary..) where i will hopefully propel myself into the diverse world of Audio Engineering!
My interests pretty much cover anything imaginable, well, not quite that many things but you get the picture.

For the last few weeks I have been purchasing a new CD every week. I think this habit is quite good as I have expanded my musical knowledge, and I hope to share this knowledge with you guys because sharing is caring and all that jazz.
Ha.. Yea.. Another thing you will have to get use to is my humour.. But if you have read this far then I have faith in you my friend!

Well i guess that will be all for tonight, hopefully posts will start rolling up more frequently in the next few days. The plan is to go and see "Olympus has Fallen" on thursday, so at least you can defiantly look forward to a juicy review then.

Till next time,

Rusty Rhys.

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